Projection Mapping
The following are examples art and experiments using projected AR (augmented reality). I'm particularly interested in the use of light art that is responsive to people in urban environments and highlights places that are worth noticing.

OpenGov Inclusion & Diversity
I worked with OpenGov's new Inclusion and Diversity group to design a sticker for all employees. We give this sticker to all new employees, along with a welcome note.

TrustBearer Logo & Identity
I lead the the art direction, visual identity, logo, and print design for TrustBearer Labs.

San Francisco 22-Day Muni Challenge
Helped with the strategy and rollout of a challenge to San Francisco Public Officials to ride public transportation during the month of June 2015. I created the hashtag #OnBoardSF, designed and created a leaderboard web app that automatically kept track of officials rides by integrating with a real-time stream of Twitter and Instagram posts.

Campaign Strategy and Identity
I helped San Francisco Transit Riders with the strategy and visual identity on a crowdsourcing campaign to raise enough funds to hire the organization first Executive Director and launch a city-wide celebration of public transportation, Transit Week.

Seamless Bay Area Visuals
I helped founding team with the Seamless Bay Area logo and brand.

Print and Adverstising
My expertise in in web design and development, but I also have expereince with visual design for printed materials.
City Affirmations
Concept art for a city that speaks words of encouragement.