Cities and Transit
Finding My Place on the Bus
My story of finding a passion for public transportation as a place of positivity and possibility.
Data Experiments & Design Exploration about PlaceMy story of finding a passion for public transportation as a place of positivity and possibility.
How creative and playful analysis of city data can inform design and planning decisions.
What Burning Man Taught Me About Cities
The Playa as Plaza: How a temporary desert utopia can inform how we think about cities.
The Playa as Plaza: How a temporary desert utopia can inform how we think about cities.
Observing People and Prototypes on Market Street
Things I learned at the 2015 Market Street Prototyping Festival in San Francisco.
Things I learned at the 2015 Market Street Prototyping Festival in San Francisco.
The Car is Much More Than a “Smartphone on Wheels”
10 Important Differences Between Using a Car and Mobile Phone.
10 Important Differences Between Using a Car and Mobile Phone.
Let's Build Safe and Vibrant Cities and Have Robots Help
How creative and playful analysis of city data can inform design and planning decisions.
How creative and playful analysis of city data can inform design and planning decisions.
Parking Kiosks for Urban Wayfinding
How to retrofit parking lots into places for wayfinding, city information, and access to alternative transportation.
How to retrofit parking lots into places for wayfinding, city information, and access to alternative transportation.
Design & Data
The Color of Money
How OpenGov Design uses color to help local government tell the story of their spending and services.
How OpenGov Design uses color to help local government tell the story of their spending and services.
Using JavaScript to Create Geospatial and Advanced Maps
A Survey of the latest web tools for geospatial analysis and advanced maps.
A Survey of the latest web tools for geospatial analysis and advanced maps.
Designing User Scenarios for Mobile and Transit Experiences
design technique for visually representing user scenarios for transportation and other mobile experiences.
design technique for visually representing user scenarios for transportation and other mobile experiences.
Life in General
Why Did All Children of a Certain Age Play Oregon Trail?
Why was Oregon Trail so popular and what did it teach us?
Why was Oregon Trail so popular and what did it teach us?
If Life is a Simulation, Let's Make the Most of It
An optimist’s view of living in a computer and embracing alternate reality.
An optimist’s view of living in a computer and embracing alternate reality.
Speaking & Presentations
Presentation at 8VC Design Meetup