I helped the 27 Steps team with their prototype for the Market Street Prototyping Festival. I created a motion sensing people counter that played a musical composition on both sides of the installation.

Here's a diagram that shows how I capture pedestrian counts and triggered the music to play when people interactive with the prototype. 
I setup hardware and prototyped a system to collect real-time data about the number of people who interacted with an art installation on San Francisco's Market St. 
Here's an example of the code for the real-time count of people interacting with the prototype. Participants and the SF Planning Department could see this count on their phone during the Prototyping Festival. 
I shared the data with the  San Francisco Planning Department. They we're excited to have the data and used it in their overall report to the city about the prototyping event.  
I built the pedestrian counter use an infrared sensor on Raspberry Pi hardware to count all the participants that walked through the installation.

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